Children Looked AfteR and Post Looked after



Our Lady of Sorrows is a highly inclusive school and we welcome all children to come and join our school family. If you are the parent or carer of a Looked After Child and you would like for them to attend Our Lady’s, please contact the school office and ask to speak to the Headteacher / the Designated Teacher for Children Looked After. They will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the admissions process and the support that your child and your family can expect from us at school as well as the needs of your child and your family. You may also need to have a discussion with The Virtual School and the Admissions Team at Doncaster City Council.

Our Inclusion Team are wonderful and they are very well qualified to work with Looked After or Post Looked After Children and have a great deal of experience in doing so - this includes academic and personal, social and emotional support. You would be very welcome to meet them too.


Who are Looked After Children?

Looked After Children are those where the council is a 'corporate parent' for a child because Children's Social Work Services or the Court of Justice have placed them in the care of the local authority. The council provide support and guidance that would normally be provided by parents to strengthen family relationships and parenting skills where required. They have the authority to make decisions based on what is deemed best for a child regarding their upbringing and their future. It would usually be a social worker who would contact the school to discuss the possibility of a place but this could be the child's carer.


Who are Post Looked After Children?

If a child has left the care of the local authority because they have been adopted, they have been granted a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order via the court, they are classed as Post Looked After Children. We are able to offer a wide range of support for these children and families too. It is the responsibility of the parent or carer to let us know that their child is post looked after on the Admissions Forms but this would usually be discussed when a family first approach the school for a place.


We are always grateful to know as much as we possibly can about a child and their family background so that we can ensure the best level of support. This applies to all children who we welcome to our school.


The Virtual School

The Virtual School works alongside our school to monitor a child's attendance, attainment and achievement and makes sure that looked after children's educational is a top priority in their care planning from the age of 3 to 18 and beyond to give them the best opportunity to be successful in their adult lives. We work with the child or young person’s carer, social worker and the virtual school along with any other outside agencies  to develop a personal education plan or PEP. The PEPs are closely monitored and are reviewed on a very regular basis.


Funding for Children Looked After

There is additional funding to support children who are looked after, Pupil Premium Plus, which is administered by the Virtual School. For children who were previously looked after, we are able to  access this funding directly via Doncaster City Council as long as we have the information we require.


The Designated Teacher and Governor

All schools must appoint a designated teacher, responsible for:

  • promoting education and raising staff awareness for looked after children
  • ensuring the effective use of Pupil Premium Plus
  • promoting inclusive schooling and high expectations

The Designated Teacher at Our Lady of Sorrows, the Headteacher. Mrs Amy Tucker is the Governor responsible for Children Looked After. Both can be contacted via the school 


Children Looked AfteR and Post Looked after



Our Lady of Sorrows is a highly inclusive school and we welcome all children to come and join our school family. If you are the parent or carer of a Looked After Child and you would like for them to attend Our Lady’s, please contact the school office and ask to speak to the Headteacher / the Designated Teacher for Children Looked After. They will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the admissions process and the support that your child and your family can expect from us at school as well as the needs of your child and your family. You may also need to have a discussion with The Virtual School and the Admissions Team at Doncaster City Council.

Our Inclusion Team are wonderful and they are very well qualified to work with Looked After or Post Looked After Children and have a great deal of experience in doing so - this includes academic and personal, social and emotional support. You would be very welcome to meet them too.


Who are Looked After Children?

Looked After Children are those where the council is a 'corporate parent' for a child because Children's Social Work Services or the Court of Justice have placed them in the care of the local authority. The council provide support and guidance that would normally be provided by parents to strengthen family relationships and parenting skills where required. They have the authority to make decisions based on what is deemed best for a child regarding their upbringing and their future. It would usually be a social worker who would contact the school to discuss the possibility of a place but this could be the child's carer.


Who are Post Looked After Children?

If a child has left the care of the local authority because they have been adopted, they have been granted a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order via the court, they are classed as Post Looked After Children. We are able to offer a wide range of support for these children and families too. It is the responsibility of the parent or carer to let us know that their child is post looked after on the Admissions Forms but this would usually be discussed when a family first approach the school for a place.


We are always grateful to know as much as we possibly can about a child and their family background so that we can ensure the best level of support. This applies to all children who we welcome to our school.


The Virtual School

The Virtual School works alongside our school to monitor a child's attendance, attainment and achievement and makes sure that looked after children's educational is a top priority in their care planning from the age of 3 to 18 and beyond to give them the best opportunity to be successful in their adult lives. We work with the child or young person’s carer, social worker and the virtual school along with any other outside agencies  to develop a personal education plan or PEP. The PEPs are closely monitored and are reviewed on a very regular basis.


Funding for Children Looked After

There is additional funding to support children who are looked after, Pupil Premium Plus, which is administered by the Virtual School. For children who were previously looked after, we are able to  access this funding directly via Doncaster City Council as long as we have the information we require.


The Designated Teacher and Governor

All schools must appoint a designated teacher, responsible for:

  • promoting education and raising staff awareness for looked after children
  • ensuring the effective use of Pupil Premium Plus
  • promoting inclusive schooling and high expectations

The Designated Teacher at Our Lady of Sorrows, the Headteacher. Mrs Amy Tucker is the Governor responsible for Children Looked After. Both can be contacted via the school