
'God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pleased.' (Genesis 1)

Prayer and Liturgy

“Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:20

Prayer can be defined as 'talking to God.' It is a personal time of opening our hearts to our Father and bringing everything in our hearts to Him. Prayer can be a powerful force for change in our lives, and therefore it is something our children do daily.


Gospel Celebration

Each week at Our Lady's begins by gathering together as a whole school for a Celebration of the Word, focussing on the Sunday Gospel. We reflect on the special words we have heard and we are given a mission to live by. 

We celebrate those who are living out the Gospel mission with our 'Heart of Gold' awards. 


Child-led Celebration of the Word

Once a week, the children plan and prepare a Celebration of the Word within their classes, focussing on the Catholic Social Teaching values. Please see below some examples of this special time. 


Advent 2024

Fr Darren joined us in school for a very special Advent wreath blessing. It was a beautiful start to our Advent journey together. 

The Feast of Christ the King - 26th November 2024

15 children represented our school at a St Francis Trust Mass at St Peter in Chains Church, to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. It was a very special celebration and Bishop Ralph commented on the behaviour and respect of our wonderful children. 
We then had a picnic with other schools within the Trust before returning to school. 
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Christ the King  - image 7

In November, We Remember - November 2024

November is the month in which Catholics bring to mind those who have died and pray for their souls. We have a special 'Book of Remembrance' in school, where all members of our school community are invited to write the names of departed family or friends. We prayed especially for these people during the month of November.


On Remembrance Day, Monday 11th November, we remembered the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life. The whole school observed two minutes silence at 11:00am and throughout the day, each class look time to walk the labyrinth to reflect and remember. 



The Holy Rosary - October 2024

The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary.

All children have had the opportunity to attend Rosary Club every Monday morning in October and pray the Holy Rosary as a group. The children have been praying a decade of the rosary together and have been offering their own prayer intentions to Jesus and those we have received from others. 

Each day, prayer time across school has focussed on the prayers of the Rosary. KS2 children will also pray a decade of the Rosary once day each week, reflecting on one of the Glorious Mysteries. 


7th October - We celebrated the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary by saying the rosary together and praying for peace, just as Pope Francis asked us to. 

Why not try to complete the 'Rosary Challenge' at home as a family? Click here to find out more! 


Welcome Celebration - September 2024

Our youngest children have started their journey at Our Lady's and were warmly welcomed into school in a beautiful celebration with their Year 6 buddies. 

The new Prayer and Liturgy Directory ('To Love You More Dearly') can be downloaded here.